Travel broadens the mind and elevates the spirit
Since 1937 The PERMANENT FUND OF THE HARVARD TRAVELLERS CLUB has supported and encouraged worthy travel-related research and exploration consistent with the goals of the members of the Harvard Travellers Club: "promoting intelligent travel and exploration."
The purpose of our grants is to assist and promote travel from which results can be obtained of permanent scientific and educational value. All projects must contribute to the world's body of knowledge. Preference is given to:
-Adventurous activity (ex. climbing, hiking, sailing) that has an educational, scientific or cultural component.
-Scientific and environmental study/research that has an educational component.
-Cultural study/research that has an educational or scientific component.
The Permanent Fund awards grants to one or more projects every year, with toal grants awarded in a given year totaling $10,000 or more. Over 135 grants have been awarded since the inception of the fund, with 42 awards made since the year 2000.
We look forward to receiving your application,
Kathryn Bard, Trustee
Nils Bonde-Henriksen, Trustee
Peter Creighton, Trustee