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In 1937 members of The Harvard Travellers Club ( created an independant entity: The Permanent Fund of the Harvard Travellers Club. The goal was to provide encouragement and financial support for worthy and adventurous projects pursuing research, exploration or travel which might enhance the world’s body of knowledge.

How We Are Funded.

The Permanent Fund maintains an endowment fund and receives on-going donations, as well as bequests, from members of the Harvard Travellers Club and general public.

Our selection and Award Process

Applications for funding are solicited by word of mouth and through this website. Applications should be submitted by the end of February, for funding after May 10th. Most proposals are submitted in December, January and February. Funding decisions are made by early April and all applicants are notified of the status of their proposal by that time. (Note on very rare occasions, if our investments permit it, we may elect to fund an exceptional application received outside of the aforementioned submission period.)

The Permanent Fund Trustees-comprised of appointed members of the Harvard Travellers Club, reviews applications and selects grant recipients based on an assessment of the worthiness of the proposed project and applicant's qualifications for completing the project.

Projects must add to the body of knowledge of the world. Projects which benefit only the recipient (examples: learning a language, studying in a foreign country, leisure travel or adventurous travel which does not increase the body of knowledge) are not appropriate. Grants are awarded every year. Grants may be made to one or more projects, with total grants in any given year totaling $10,000 or more.


What is expected from Grantees

Grantees are expected to complete their project within the fiscal year in which they received funding (ie. by April 30th), provide a report at the end of the project, preferably with photos and illustrations which may be shared with members of The Harvard Travellers Club. If logistically possible, you may be asked to make a presentation of your results at one of the Club's monthly meetings, either in person or via video conferencing technology.

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