Travel broadens the mind and elevates the spirit
Key Dates:
-applications must be submitted by the end of February.
-the Trustees will review all proposals and make funding decisions by mid-April.
-funding will be provided after May 1st.
General Information:
You may submit an application for yourself, or on behalf of a group. If applying as a group, you must identify a group leader who will be responsible for complying with our requirements, and to whom grant awards will be sent.
Focus on giving us a sense of what's involved in successfully completing your project, and tell us why it's an important project. How will it contribute to the body of knowledge in the world? How will the information derived be shared with the world?
We are interested in your background and qualifications for completing the project. If there are other key people you'll be working with, tell us what they will bring to the project and provide the same information for them as well. If we need additional information on you, or others, we will let you know.
Application Minimum Requirements:
There are no formal application forms required and no requirements regarding the length of a proposal.
Applications Should Include:
-the resume or CV of any key participants.
-a list of: scientific publications, theses, technical reports, published books, awards and fellowships.
-a description of the proposed project, including its objectives, and the anticipated outcome.
-an explanation of why funding is needed.
-dates and timeline of the project.
-a project budget that provides line items for major expenses (travel, lodging, etc.). See additional information below.
-in those cases where our funding is only a part of your overall budget, please describe your plan for obtaining the additional funds.
Submission/Communications Method:
-all communications, including submitting your proposal, must be submitted via e-mail sent to nilsbh@harvardtravellersclub.org
-after submitting your proposal, you should receive an acknowledgement within a few days. If this does not happen, please send a follow-up email so that we ensure that your proposal has made it to us!
Funding Priorities:
The purpose of our grants is to assist and promote travel from which results can be obtained of permanent scientific and educational value. All projects must contribute to the world’s body of knowledge. Preference is given to:
The purpose of our grants is to foster research and/or exploration Preference is given to:
-Adventurous activity (ex. climbing, hiking, sailing) that has an educational, scientific, or cultural component.
-Scientific and environmental study/research that has an educational component.
-Cultural study/research that has an educational or scientific component.
Things We DO NOT Fund:
-travel that is not intimately involved with the project.
-travel to undertake studies in foreign countries.
Funding Decisions:
Each year we provide a total of $10,000 or more in grants. When we have multiple high-quality proposals, we often elect to fund two or more projects, but at a level below that requested by the applicants. In these instances, the applicant will be contacted, advised of the possibility of a reduced award, and, if still interested in pursuing the grant, asked to devise a plan for obtaining any additional funds that are needed. If they are unable to detail a plan for obtaining additional funds, the Trustees may elect to support a different applicant.